Breaking Free From Things Too Strong For Me


Daily Devotional

Breaking Free From Things Too Strong For Me

128 page book by William Tracy Harris.


Breaking Free From Things Too Strong For Me

SKU 9781893408920 Category


Far too many people remain in a cycle of bondage all of their lives. They never walk in consistent manifested freedom from these destructive cycles. We must get to the root of the issue.  The source of what will produce a victorious outcome in any situation is found in the spirit realm.

This book is not just about breaking natural or emotional cycles, but it is about cutting the tap root which supplies the life source that creates or allows those cycles to exist in your life. We are not talking about a temporary freedom or a manageable freedom, but rather a freedom that never ends!

The person the Son sets Free is Free Indeed!

Additional information

Weight 0.325 lbs
Dimensions 7 × 5 × 0.35 in
Book Type

Digital Book, Physical Book

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